Cafe Billing System In C# With Source Code

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Cafe Billing System In C# With Source Code

Project Name: Cafe Billing System

 Cafe Billing System is a straightforward desktop application written in C#. The project is built on the idea of generating a customer's whole bill receipt. When it comes to the system, all the user has to do is choose from a variety of cakes and drinks, enter the quantity, and then click the total button to see the entire price. The user can examine their complete receipt, which includes the receipt number as well as the number of food/drink items purchased, as well as the total amount. The customer's total bill includes both tax and service charges.

 The project's design is simple enough that the user will have no trouble working on it. This project does not use an external file to store records or as a database. The Cafe Billing System project aids with billing administration. You must have Visual Studio IDE installed on your computer to run this project. The source code for the Cafe Billing System in C# is available for free download.

Download Cafe Billing System C# Project Source Code

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