Bank Management System In C Programming With Source Code

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Bank Management System In C Programming With Source Code

Project Name: Bank Management System

The Bank Management System is designed to handle and track daily financial transactions with customer accounts. To access the system, users must first log in. Once logged in, they can use various features such as adding, removing, updating, and viewing records; making deposits and withdrawals; and checking the details of existing customers. They can also use the ATM feature. When creating a new customer record, users must enter the current date, account number, name, date of birth, age, address, citizenship number, phone number, and the amount deposited, as well as select the account type, which can be saving, current, or fixed for 1, 2, or 3 years. When updating an existing customer record, users can only change the address and phone number. To check a customer's account in detail, users can search by account number or name. The system also provides a list of all customers, including their names, account numbers, addresses, and contact information. To make a transaction, users can choose to deposit or withdraw an amount, and the system will automatically update their transaction history and total bank balance. Additionally, the system calculates and displays bank interest information when a customer's account is viewed in detail.

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